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graphic design

Everything that surrounds you was once someone's idea, and then it took shape and design.

Books, magazines, booklets, business cards, coupons, tickets, posters, restaurant menus, pens with a logo, Souvenirs, billboards, showcases, food packaging, beverage packaging, cosmetics, and so on – - constant participants in life and even now, looking around, you will probably see a huge variety of items that once worked as a graphic designer.

We are used to this and do not notice it so clearly. But graphic design is exactly why you choose something without knowing for sure what's inside it. It makes information accessible, structured, and works to convey the brand's state and emotions through images, symbols, colors, and shapes.

It is often argued what should be the correct and fashionable design, which design can be called good? It is hardly possible to answer this question unambiguously, because every person is individual, and it is impossible to create a design that everyone would like. If the advertising product has brought benefits, helped to promote your products and services, and contributed to the popularity and recognition of your company, then the goal has been achieved.

After all, the main goal in design is not art as such, but to promote the brand, products and services, to be recognizable and bright, but not to interfere with seeing the essence of the product.

But no matter how the fashion changes, the basic rules for submitting information do not depend on any trends, that is, the information must be clear, the advertising message must be concise and correspond to reality, the colors and font are easy to read, the contrast is noticeable, and the graphics are of high quality.

Text or image?

In the current reality, where every person receives tons of terabytes of information per day, we are becoming more selective and more quickly make decisions about what is worth interest and what is not.

According to numerous studies by psychologists, most of the information (80%) a person perceives with his eyes. An image is sometimes so informative that it can replace a large number of words.

It is always important to support the information with a visual image and Vice versa, not to overload the user, to give him a sense of visual comfort and pleasure from interacting with the product, and in print design we have a huge Arsenal of tactile effects, which is also important to be able to be in the ballance.

